Unwanted symbols break the log in task output.

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Unwanted symbols break the log in task output.

Post by lcenzoredl »

In version 2.2.2 (I don't remember, maybe in 2.2.1 too) the task output window can't show the log file (web interface can't too).

The problem is some kinde of strange symbols (like chinese) at the end of log file.
So, it looks like that:
29.09.2017 20:14:57; Total elapsed time 00:00:11
29.09.2017 20:14:57; Scene R:\P\t\d\r.max completed.

If you simply run cmd by hand, the log will be clean and without any unwanted symbols, but they appear in afanasy.

I found that other guys who has this kind of problem with other software, use the |MORE command


So in cmd the output to file looks like:
@WMIC CPU Get Name|MORE>>"%PathSave%"

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/459 ... se-symbols

Is there any place where I can put this fix by my self or maybe Timur can check it and make some kind of patch to solve this issue?
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Re: Unwanted symbols break the log in task output.

Post by timurhai »

What do you mean by "Can't show the log file"?
- AfWatch crashes?
- Web browser shows nothing?

You can use some wrapper, for example 3dsmaxcmd.cmd that should contain:

Code: Select all

3dsmaxcmd.exe %* | MORE
Timur Hairulin
CGRU 3.3.1, Ubuntu 20.04, 22.04, MS Windows 10 (clients only).
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Re: Unwanted symbols break the log in task output.

Post by lcenzoredl »

Hi, Timur!

I mean that in AfWatch and in WebGui you see nothing, blank window (actualy in AfWatch it shows one digit - 0 or 2, i don't know why).

But I have a good news, I found solution.
I try to comment some code at the and in parser.py, all strings about HTML.
So now it looks like that:

And WebGui still can't show it:

I don't know what consequences it would has for us, but now AfWatch can read the log.

I don't have enough knowlege about HTML or how I can use it in that case.
As I understand from release notes this needed for somehow mark the log file in AfWatch, but in my case it broken the 3dsmax output, and don't have any changes in other software.
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Re: Unwanted symbols break the log in task output.

Post by lcenzoredl »

Little update:

1. If I comment part of code just put three quotes (open comment), but don't close it, then AfWatch display message as I want, it is completely ignore all HTML functionality. But when AfRender start a task it's output the python syntax error.

2. If I fix syntax and add """ at the end of file, the AfWatch still show the log, but in a single line. I've found that when parser convert log to HTML format it add <br> tag for start new lines.

3. If I enable html conversion, then AfWatch can't display the log.

4. I try to get back parser.py, but in service.py comment "toHTML()" function. So AfWatch show all what I want, but Afrender log the error that it lost this function, and crashes.

So if you enable HTML conversion of Log, then 3dsmax's output makes nor readable in AfWatch.
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