god mode in web GUI?

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god mode in web GUI?

Post by avclubvids »

This is sort of a 2-part suggestion/request:

1) On a high-rez monitor, the GUI of afwatch is so tiny it is pretty much unreadable, and there are no options to scale the interface. Increasing font size in the options just makes it worse. Because of this, the web GUI is easier to use. Also, not being able to see all of the current jobs in Watch without god mode makes the web GUI more useful for everyone.


2) The ability to adjust parameters and task block items in Watch is extremely useful but not possible in the web GUI. Would it be possible to have a login functionality in the web GUI to allow users with permission to manage the farm?
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Re: god mode in web GUI?

Post by timurhai »

Log-in is needed, and in AfWatch and in WebGUI.
But not implemented.
For now i can't say when it will be done.
Too many things needed to be done.
Timur Hairulin
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Re: god mode in web GUI?

Post by avclubvids »

Perhaps you could give us a configuration option to auto-enable god mode in the web GUI on the server side? We trust our users enough that the benefits of this would outweigh the potential for mischief.
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Re: god mode in web GUI?

Post by timurhai »

Default password for GOD mode is "iddqd" in WebGUI and AfWatch.
There is no option to for admin mode from GUI start.
Timur Hairulin
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Re: god mode in web GUI?

Post by avclubvids »

we've been using that password in Watch, not sure how to get it to work in web gui though? It does not work the same way as Watch, where you just type it and it is recognized, is there a field somewhere that we need to type into?
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Re: god mode in web GUI?

Post by timurhai »

No field. Like in afwatch main window listening to key sequence.
Timur Hairulin
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Re: god mode in web GUI?

Post by avclubvids »

Aha - for anyone having similar issues, look at the log window at the very bottom of the browser window, "iddqd" will toggle between "USER MODE" and "GOD MODE" so you know you are in the correct mode. Thank you!
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